poem: we can’t

Hey, can we please start again?
A new sunrise, new
Dewdrops on the flowers outside
Your window where we
Could have lied in the grass, but
Instead we lied to ourselves,
And said:
It was going to be a beautiful day
For us to enjoy together but
This is not our day –
It’s not yours,
nor is it mine.

Of course, it would be nice
To start from the start –
From where it all began, but
Now, we are where we are,
Though at least

We’re still friends.

Even through all the lies –
The goodbyes to the past
And future we never had.
The goodbyes to a sunrise
That would never set on us, together.
The goodbyes to the life
We never had and
Will never have
we can’t start again.

SOS to the stars

Dot dot dot
Line line line
Dot dot dot
My heart wanted to flatline – die –
When I saw you smile.

I miss you,
That twinkle in your eyes
The stars that are now lightyears away.

Our ship is long gone,
Lost to the waves.
So, we drift on to unknown lands
Through time and space,
Till we meet again,
My friend.

My lovely paradox

The sun shines through my windows,
But the night lives on in my mind.
Thoughts of a melancholic moon, you,
Imaginary jealousy, a wish
To just leave things be.
Oh, it’s simultaneously light and dark,
Life and death,
But either way,
In the end.

Lotta Talk

You’d think I would know how to walk, and how to talk.
But when I talk the talk and I walk the walk,
It tends to end in a chalk
Outline on the ground.
My body isn’t found
But my
Head is in the clouds,
Just talking the talk –
Got my feet on the ground
Just walking the walk.

But really I’m just here.
Sitting on the couch –
Talking the talk
Not walking the walk.

Icarus and I

My wingspan humbles Icarus –
And oh, I understand his flying tragedy.
I have flown so closely to the sun
And my endless flight has left its marks on me
But now it feels as if I am falling as he did
Till I crash into the Earth as he did
And let my last breath leave me, as he did –
Yes, it is the same downfall as Icarus:
The failure of fathers.
My father, my god, my creator
Created my waxed wings
And stabbed them into my back
Where they still hang today.

My heart burns, and it only intensifies
The heat from the sun
And I just wish the fire would burn out
So I can finally see him again,
And ask why
It had to be me
And ask why
I had to bleed endlessly and fly
Only to want to die
From the day he gave me my wings.

The Water’s Call

I am standing on the shore –
Back again on those rocks
Where I would sit and think
About life, and why
I wanted to jump
Into those deafening depths.

The water still calls my name
Now, and it pulls me
By my soul and I join the tide
In its patterned uncertainty.
I’m not sure of anything, anymore.
So this is where I’ll stay for a while,
Along the shore.

Off-beat Heartbeat

I don’t know why
I do what I do
And think
What I think
When I drink
And sink down
Into the misery,
Down into the mystery
Of what it is
I want when I want
To live and break free
Of the me I should be
And be the me I want
To be,
That I see
In my soul
And what makes
Me whole and what
Fills this hole?
Is it love?
Is it life?
What is the endless
Strife, for time –
To be fine,
Or to just
Be okay,
And to just
Another day.

Yes, that is it
The way out of
The pit,
And so I shall stand
And no longer
Depend, on this temporary cure,
And of that,
I am sure.

A Burnt Out Fire

The snow drifted gently through the trees
As the embers of the hearth faded out, one final time.

An atmosphere of fatality hung in the air,
A thick blanket of depression and sorrow.

No one held his hand
Or gave him their breath
As he went from this life
Into the next.

Forgotten Baggage

With tears in his eyes
He stared out of the train window
At a world that passed him by
Ever so quickly.

He looked, and saw
The trees falling,
The grasses wither,
And the birds falling

So deeply in love
As they fly in pairs
Through the trees
And build their nests

So they may settle
In a home in the shade,
High in the green trees,
Away from all harm

Before they too, leave
For a better place
Where they will find their warmth
And final resting place.

The sun dried his tears
And a smile slowly spread across his face
As he turned into a bird
And flew to the horizon.

Buckets and Toast

I threw up a few times this morning. I stared blankly at the chunks of my peanut butter toast that floated in the blue bucket I was given by my mum, alongside the palpable disappointment.
Briefly I remembered the events from the night before: the sound of laughter, a full glass, an empty glass, dry heaving, my friend’s dinner in a black bucket next to his bed. After we put him to bed, I was walked to the station by two people I barely knew a few hours before, but after bonding over buckets it felt as natural as toast.
These sort of nights are not what I imagined when I was younger, and thought about how it would be to be all ‘grown up.’ I wanted to be a firefighter – but not just any firefighter, I wanted to be a firefighter with a hat.
Now, however, it seems as if the only thing I am capable of effectively extinguishing are my hopes and dreams. Every glass of that tempting, pain-killing poison, every night awake till 3am to escape responsibility, or to feel like I am for a brief moment in control of my life and I can do what I want. It all adds to the increasingly extinguished dream life I once wished for.
All this may sound rather bleak, but it is in those worst moments that there is usually a sliver of motivation again. Motivation that is resuscitated by feeling so close to death. Gone are the days of firefighter dreams, but at least there is hope.
Though I must say, the hope comes at the strangest moments. In this case, I was staring at my measly breakfast floating in my bile, in a blue bucket. I took a deep breath, and stood up. It was a bit too much to ask, but after one more heave I was ready to not just let my life be buckets and toast.